BREAD for the World COVID Project

The Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) in partnership with the German Protestant Agency for Diakonie and Development Bread for the World implemented a project aimed at strengthening COVID-19 awareness, preparedness, response and prevention in communities served by 19 UPMB member Hospitals and 10 Health Center IV’s in Uganda. Capacity of health care workers was developed in COVID-19 responsiveness through training, facility technical support visits and worked closely with the district health teams for increased coordination to strengthen the Public-Private Partnership between the Faith-based Facilities and Public Facilities. Health ffacilities received PPE materials for the implementation of COVID-19 responsiveness National Standards. This enhanced the quality of health service delivery through ensuring availability, correct and consistent use of Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) and Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) measures.


Project Pictorial

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